I have lived in New York for over thirty years, but as I get older, I am getting tired of the cold weather. I decided that I would like to leave the snow behind and headed south, I bought a house in Florida.
Challenge number one I needed to learn to drive. Did that and got my license, OK. While I am excited and happy, I am also a little apprehensive. I bought a car with the latest technology to make sure I will always be able to find my way home, however I cannot take myself out of my comfort zone.
There are so many places to go and so many things to see and do. I'm a captive of my own fearfulness (smile, writing my truth). I am here since December and have driven less than a thousand miles. I am never an explorer, but I will try to move past the boundaries I have set and explore my new city. Wish me well. What can go wrong? When I first got my car I was so nervous at the dealership. I knew how to get home from the airport, but this was not the airport. I asked, how do I get home from here, my salesman said don't worry she will take you home, I was home in twenty minutes.
Fear of the unknown will cripple us and make us unable to enjoy the fullness of life. As I am writing I am challenging myself to go out and explore.